When it comes to renovating your home , the moment is certainly characterized by great stress that involves you and all the owners of the property. Not only does the thought run for money to invest in restructuring, but the fear, more than justified, concerns the result. And if it did not come out well? And if this local instead of doing it this way we did it as we said at the beginning? And if we furnish in Nordic style and not with classic furniture? All these questions (and many others) have certainly flashed in the mind of those who have lived or are experiencing the renovation of the house. To try to minimize problems from the root, the best thing is to choose an architect who can follow the whole process, indicating times, costs and ways of proceeding.
A professional figure to help you: the architect
The architect is the professional figure who can help you with the renovation of your home. The common thought is directed towards a character full of creativity, whimsical, unable to hear the opinion of others, but the reality is very different and a good architect is none of this. It must consider your needs, listen to your opinions, share your ideas with you, submit any problems and advise possible solutions. He is not a theoretician, he is not a figure who only thinks on abstract concepts, but he is the one who absolutely needs to have an approach aimed at practice. He must be endowed with a very high quality able to distinguish him from other figures and other people: the ability to imagine spaces even before they exist. This is the true essence of the architect’s profession. He must see realized in his head how the kitchen will be, how the bathroom will become, how the tavern will be, imagining everything in a practical key, with the furnishings and the present technology. This last concept does not stand out from the architect’s skills.
He must be updated on what the companies in the sector offer in terms of tiles, bathroom fixtures, bathroom furniture, living room furniture, storage and storage solutions and everything related to the habitability of the house, without neglecting the structural aspects . Surveyors, technicians, plant designers, are also important presences, but have nothing to do with the professional you are describing.
In a space that the architect must see as functional to the daily life of the family, he has the task of transforming into reality what he himself has only imagined with concreteness.
A trusted consultant
The first component to look at in an architect is trust. He, for a certain period of time, will become your consultant and you must give him space, but also you must also receive his trust. The relationship is therefore equal: you must trust him and him of you. However, it is not always easy and often we have to deal with divergences of ideas, verbal conflicts and doubts of different kinds.
The architect’s research can be done by word of mouth, through knowledge or by research from authoritative sources.
By creating empathy between you and the architect, you can make it work well in the collaborative environment, but if there is no harmony, everything becomes more complex and difficult.
That architects are “strange” as they are often defined, can also be true, but it is the fruit of their creativity, of their way of seeing things in advance. There are professional figures who prove eccentric, particularly fanciful, extremely fussy and meticulous. Before proceeding with the work, you must talk to him, invite him for an inspection in the house to be renovated and discuss your ideas and then put them in relation to his.
A valid professional usually makes use of a photographic collection of his work. Ask them without fear of showing you images of what you have done in the past so that you can also get an idea of the architect’s style and working method. Flipping through a photo album or seeing the images on a tablet or a laptop, a light bulb in your head may come on and make you think of an implementable solution in your home.